What is workplace sexual harassment?
Sexual harassment comprises unsolicited sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other sexually motivated verbal or physical behavior that creates a hostile workplace. Quin pro quid harassment—job promotions based on sexual advances—may also occur.
How do I prove workplace sexual harassment?
Establish sexual harassment with emails, messages, witness testimony, and other proof. An expert sexual discrimination lawyer can help you gather and present evidence to prove your case.
What can a sexual harassment lawsuit get me?
Sex harassment victims can receive lost earnings, reinstatement, emotional distress damages, and penalties. Compensation depends on your case and the harassment’s impact on your employment and health.
How long may I sue for sexual harassment?
Sexual harassment cases have state and case-specific statutes of limitations. Complain to the EEOC within 180 days of the discrimination. Consult a sexual harassment attorney promptly to file your claim on time.
Can I report workplace sexual harassment?
You can sue for workplace sexual harassment. Record harassment and consult a lawyer to preserve your rights. Employee retaliation for filing a complaint is illegal, and an attorney can assist you in preserving your rights.